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Headteacher’s Blog 08/12/22

By 8th December 2022Headteacher's Blog


Despite the fact that most shops have been full Christmas paraphernalia since early October, this week’s Christmas Concerts is a marker that the festive season is well underway. It wasn’t too long ago that singing in schools was limited by public health guidance, which severely disrupted our ability to run choirs and ensembles. The Christmas concert provides an opportunity for our youngsters to demonstrate their talents as well as entertain us.

Fifa has arranged its quarterfinal of the football world cup to clash against our carol concert next week, however I hope as many of you as possible are able to attend. This week Year 11 have continued with their exams, these will be complete by Friday. Since my last Blog the canteen staff served up three fabulous Christmas dinners finishing on Thursday with Cohort two.

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