Holy Days Of Obligation

It is not always possible to have a priest in school during the Holy Days of Obligation. Over the last few year we decided to provide students with an opportunity to celebrate mass at Sacred Heart. This does create a few logistical challenges as student have to be bussed down.

On the feast of the Ascension students from Year 7 and Year 8 attended Mass at the Sacred Heart Church in Waterlooville,  to celebrate the feast day .

Ascension means ‘going up’ and we remember how, forty days after His resurrection, Jesus returned to Heaven. As we reflect on the story of Jesus returning to His Father, we remember also His promise to be with us always. Though He is no longer visible on Earth, He is still present with us.

Jesus reminds His friends that they are to be witnesses, to tell the world about Him. He promises that He will send a power from above, the Holy Spirit, to help them to do this. Jesus entrusts His mission of love to the disciples. He entrusts His mission of love to each of us. Jesus’ Ascension means we must now be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus in the world.

Each Holy Day of Obligation provides students with an excellent opportunity to meet parishioners and share their talents with them. It’s a privilege to have such a close connection with our local parishes, and we are grateful for the chance to come together to celebrate Mass together as one community.

Updated Summer 2024