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A level Success

By 22nd August 2022January 4th, 2023News

Another high set  A level examination results is being celebrated by students and staff at Oaklands.

After two years of hard work, and considerable disruption due to pandemic restrictions, Year 13 students were finally handed their results on Thursday 18th August. The number of grades at A*to C grades remained high at 72%.  26%  of grades were at A and A*

All subjects performed well. Some subjects proved particularly strong for Year 13s, such Science, RE, English Literature and Geography, the latter two achieving a 100% pass rate of A*- C. Students who took the Extended Project Qualification also fared well with over 20 A or A* grades.

All schools have found it  difficult to predict outcomes this year, not only  have students experienced years of disruption, the exam boards altered content  to mitigate against the impact of COVID. Making comparison between these results and last year, or 2019 when exams were last sat, is inappropriate. The impact of COVID has been uneven across different schools and colleges.  Amidst this national conversation on grades and increased competition for university places, there were many individual successes and smiles from students who collected their results.

A number of students achieved 3 or more A or A* grades including  Rio Bivens, Cieran Churcher, Rhys Colley, Ben Cunningham, Jessica Goff, Ethan Lehane, Visvesa Modi, Oliver Morgan, Amy Short and Rhys Colley.

Headteacher, Matthew Quinn  said that the results achieved by Oaklands 6th Form College Students were, “stunning – absolutely brilliant! They are a credit to their hard work and that of our very talented and committed teachers. The school continues to justify its strong reputation at Advanced Level. It is fantastic to see the progress made by many of our students from entry into Year 7 through to Year 13.The high grade profile achieved by our students will mean that the majority should gain entry to the university of their choice.”

Mr Quinn went on to say, “considering what these youngsters have been through, as a result of COVID, they should be deservedly proud of their achievements, they have shown great tenacity and resilience. For this cohort of students, A level exams were their first formal public examinations experience. Their GCSEs were determined by Teacher assessment in 2020.

To our students, I would like to say that I’m proud of them and their efforts, and I’m very pleased to see so many following exciting paths which will allow them to fulfil their future ambitions. From university to apprenticeship opportunities, our students have strong options ahead of them. I wish them all the best with their future studies and careers.”

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