School Feast Day

This year we celebrated our school feast day Triumph of the Cross on the 14th September. It is also known as the feast of the Exultation of the cross. It is a privilege to be able to start the year in such a way. Our thanks to Fathers Gerrard and James who celebrated Mass. The celebration also provides a tangible link to the Sisters of Christ who founded the school. We marked the week with a series of special assemblies. Each student was also given a commemorative pen.

There are many reasons to recognise this feast including the victory of love as a choice made by Jesus. There is something though that is very relevant to us all; we all look to find victory in the daily crosses that we encounter in life. You will be familiar with the term ‘ a cross to bear’, the triumph of the cross invites us to find a path through when the going is tough.

We must not lose sight of the fact that on the cross there hung a Saviour. The cross becomes meaningful only when we find Jesus hanging there. Without Jesus, the cross remains merely a symbol of pain and suffering. With Jesus, it acquires a new meaning of hope, love and life.


Autumn 2024