Hymns and Prayer
One of the great Oaklands traditions is how we use song as an opportunity to pray and worship God.
Our lives are surrounded with music—television and radio, the background music of video games and the music used in social media. Yet much of the time music functions as “background” rather than as an opportunity for serious listening, much less participation. Outside of our worship there are few occasions or opportunities for the school community to sing together. Music is an essential element in our worship at Oaklands Catholic School.
St. Augustine is credited with the saying that singing is praying twice. For us in school music is a spiritual source, which touches the deepest part of the soul, connecting with our faith. When we pray twice in song, we find ourselves being engaged by God’s Spirit in an act of life-giving prayer. Our hymns refer to that divine mystery, to Christ who was in our midst announcing the Kingdom and inviting a change of life.
The music chosen for praise and worship and within liturgy contains some of the most important messages from scripture. Through singing we learn the language about God. As a community we learn how to speak with God. Songs of worship help shape our faith. It is, therefore, very important that as a school we have a rich “vocabulary of praise” Hymns, both ancient and modern, stretch our minds, increase vocabulary, rehearse our Christian narrative and teach of the nature and the mighty acts of God.
Updated Summer 2023