Whole School Mass

We are very fortunate to have a space in school  where we can comfortably sit 700 people at one time.  When we have whole school mass each cohort plus staff celebrates the eucharist together, this happens at least twice a year.

The two fixed occasions are the school feast day around the 14th September and at the end of the summer term. We have also celebrated whole school mass during Holy Days of Obligation, or on Ash Wednesday and during advent. This is dependant upon the availability of priests. When this is not possible students visit the local parish or staff lead prayer and worship in school.

The school Feast day, The Exultation of The Cross, provides another link to the founding religious order, as it was also their feast day. In addition to the celebration of Mass we try to make the occasion special for students, in previous years we have given students cookies, this year they all received a pen.

Whole school masses provide students with a unique opportunity to engage in liturgy. Students undertake readings and reflections, select hymns and play music. Students have sung the Responsorial Psalm.

A number of our students are Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion within their parishes, they undertake this ministry in school during our whole school masses


Updated Spring  2024