Information about Edith Stein Multi Academy Trust can be found by following this link
Governance Structure for Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College
As the lead school in the Trust, the Trust postal address is the same as Oaklands Catholic School. If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please get in touch with the Clerk to Governors,
All Full Governors’ on the Local Governing Body are listed below:
Foundation / Chair
Dr Elizabeth Cluett
c/o Oaklands School, Stakes Hill Road, Waterlooville, Hants. PO7 7BW (for web compliance purposes)
Foundation / Vice-Chair
Mrs Judith Hoar
Staff / Head Teacher
Mr Matthew Quinn
Mr Fritz Simpson
Rev J Garratt
Mrs Marijke Miles
Mrs Susan Harris
Mrs Claire Booth
Mrs Clare Hopkins
Mrs Jennifer Ryan
Mrs Emily Peters
Mr Denis Dalaba
Mrs Joanne Webb
Mrs Elizabeth Boulton
Mrs Deborah Burroughs
Mrs Nicola Maxwell
Mr Paul Smith
Mr Tim Finch
Mr Tony Whitlock
Associate Governors
Ms Sadie Whyte
Mrs Amy Bonnington
Governor meeting attendance: Click here
To find out a little about each Governor, please click on their name.
Clerk to the Governing Body
Mrs Claire Colley –
Annual Reports and Financial Statements for the past three years can be found on our Statutory Information page