School returns to look at its distinctive Charism

At the start of 2022, Oaklands School started an  ambitious programme of education and formation centred on the Charism of the Founding Order, The Sisters of Christ.

This processes commenced by considering what is unique about a Catholic school and how this impacts on the work of each member of staff. This resonated closely with the work being undertaken by teaching staff on Catholic Social teaching.  Through the Oaklands Way, a programme delivered at Tutor time, and daily Praise and Worship staff were able to  reinforce with students the unique character of the school. Towards the end of the year staff revisited the work of the Sisters and in particular how their name  demonstrates the theological foundation of their  apostolic action. The Sisters proclaimed that Christ was their guiding beacon, that all people are called to be brothers and sisters of Christ Jesus and that we are called to show to others the love that Jesus has shown to us.

More recently staff have were given the opportunity to learn about the significant generosity of the Order through from the start of the school in Bournemouth through to purchasing the Oaklands Estate and developing many of the facilities that the school still  enjoys.