Welcome to the Careers Department
Head of Department/Careers Leader: Mrs A McQuiston –
If you wish to learn more about the curriculum, please contact the Head of Department by email: a.mcquiston@oaklandscatholicschool.org
If you wish to learn more about the curriculum, please contact the Head of Department by email: a.mcquiston@oaklandscatholicschool.org
In order to fully deliver Careers Education at Oaklands, a wide range of subjects and learning opportunities will be used. The main delivery is through the PDC curriculum and the Careers leader taking overlay lessons termly with years 7-11. Adding to this there are careers related drop-down days and assemblies.
Our programme of study is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. The aim is to develop the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. The schemes of work equip students to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. It provides opportunities for students to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting
range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.
Lessons are supported by presentations, worksheets, independent and group activities, videos and outside speakers. Students record learnt information in their PDC books, worksheets provided for them to take home or on careers platforms used such as Unifrog. Depending on the lesson plan, students work alone, in pairs, small groups, large groups and whole class depending on the project and activity. Computer rooms are used for research and to access careers websites and platforms.
Students engage in occasional homework tasks for lessons (PDC topics and careers research and CV writing in year 10) that enable them to demonstrate their knowledge of key topics discussed in class, complete work set and have an opportunity to reflect further on their own opinions and values. During National Careers Week whole school and whole year group presentations are offered during assemblies, tutor time, curriculum lessons and on the school display boards. This is focussed around a careers theme set by NCW for all students and is presented by the Careers Leader and supported by Oaklands Alumni and outside agencies.
Through these opportunities students at Oaklands develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the world of work. They are encouraged to focus on their individual talents, skills and qualities and how these will contribute to their future enabling them to succeed academically and engage in wider society.
For a more detailed plan of the curriculum please click here.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3 students follow a curriculum which is based on the PSHE Framework Core 3 Theme, living in the wider world. Through this they discover different careers, their values and preferences for a future job, careers research, skills and qualities for the world of work, qualifications and financial aspects of work and health and safety. They also have a yearly assembly in National Careers Week and STEM drop down days in each year. In careers overlay lessons the Careers Leader links to these lessons and other extra-curricular opportunities to their own personal aspirations using a careers platform called Unifrog to enable them to research and plan for their future. Some Keys Stage 3 students particularly in year 9 during options choices also receive a careers interview with a Level 6 qualified Careers advisor. Extra support is given to those with SEN, vulnerable or disaffected students by following learning passports/EHCPs and working closely with the pastoral and SEN team.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 students continue to follow the curriculum which is based on the PSHE Framework Core 3 Theme, living in the wider world creating continuity and progression. In year 10 and 11 they consider the benefits of work experience and how to obtain placements and consider the impact of their GCSE results and other life choices on their future careers . They also have a yearly assembly in National Careers Week and STEM drop down days in each year. Added to this year 10 have a number of careers focussed activities to prepare them for progression into post 16 opportunities such as visits to and from post 16 providers, CV writing and mock interviews skills and practice. Careers overlay lessons then continue using the careers platform called Unifrog to enable them to research and plan for their future. All Key Stage 4 students also receive at least 1 careers interview with a Level 6 qualified Careers advisor. Extra support is given to those with SEN, vulnerable or disaffected students by following learning passports/EHCPs and working closely with the pastoral and SEN team.
Key Stage 5
The Careers curriculum at KS5 builds on the experience at KS4. AT KS 5 Careers is constructed around three main areas of career and work-related learning:
To address these three areas students in KS 5 take part in numerous careers and enterprise activities during the year and are presented with information on the full range of options available once they have completed their sixth form study.
The curriculum is delivered through a combination of dedicated sessions, collapsed timetable, enrichment events, volunteering opportunities within and outside the school, Unifrog careers software packages and direct contact with careers professionals from Hampshire Careers Service. There are a number of evening events where students and families can access information on apprenticeship and the UCAS process.
All students are encouraged to gain some form of work experience. Many students take advantage of enrichment time on Wednesday afternoon to do this.
Employers also engage with students by visiting the college to talk about careers opportunities. Students further develop careers skills looking at how to complete covering letters, apply for part-time work and complete a CV.
There are lots of extra-curricular activities that allow students to develop their careers and enterprise knowledge and skills.
Further information Curriculum Detail Key stages 3,4 and 5
How we address values and virtues through the Careers Curriculum
Assessment and Feedback
Whole school tracking is completed by the Careers Leader to ensure all students are receiving careers education including personalised activities and encounters to meet their needs. Some events take place on a large scale and are designed to help students explore pathways whereas some are tailored to meet students’ needs or to target specific groups such as pupil premium, SEND, high achievers etc.