Distinctive Pastoral Care

At Oaklands we believe the presence of Christ should be evident to all in a school’s activities. At Oaklands Pastoral care is a priority and is a manifestation of our  Catholic identity. We care deeply about what our young people are to become.  At  the end of their time with us, we not only hope that they will be well rounded individuals, but they carry the mission of Christ with them. This is something that is distinctive about our offer.

Our pastoral systems focus on the wellbeing of the student because it models ‘what Jesus would do’. Pastoral care in a Catholic school when considered in this light, becomes a gateway to the realisation of the Catholic faith as a viable life choice.

The quality of pastoral care at Oaklands is often cited as a reason why students are happy and successful in school. In keeping with our distinctive Catholic ethos, we make a significant investment in the provision of quality pastoral care, recognising that our mission statement of  ‘no-one gets left behind’ must be a lived reality.  Over the years we have continued to develop a model which is fit for purpose and which meets the many and complex needs of our students.

Heads of Year and Pastoral Staff for 2023-2024:

Mrs Riddle                 Head of Year 7

Miss Campbell          Assistant Head of Year 7

Mrs Cope                   Head of Year 8

Mrs Cunningham      Head of Year 9

Mrs Over                    Head of Year 10

Mrs Mitchell               Head of Year 11


In addition, we have a Pastoral Team comprising of Mrs Standen, Welfare and Safeguarding Manager,  Mr Miller, Pastoral Officer and Mrs McCann, Attendance and Alternative Provision Manager. Mrs Nicholls is our Behaviour and Inclusions Manager. Mrs Bonnington, the Pastoral Deputy Head, is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and fully trained in Child Protection & Safeguarding along with the fifteen Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. We work with external agencies to support families and children.

At Oaklands, we have a thriving SEN Department, led by our SENCo, Mrs Rowsell.  There is a range of  support offered to assist our young people who have additional needs in the school environment.

We have a dedicated Student Health and Wellbeing team, Mrs Bayliss and Mrs Welch.

All decisions regarding students being referred for any additional behaviour, social or emotional support are made by Mrs Bonnington and the pastoral team in school.

We also have good working relationships with external agencies such as the Havant Early Help Hub, Supporting Troubled Families, SDAS, PARCS and Catch 22 and we are very well supported by our local police; PC Terence Burke and PCSO Carl Boxall.  We also work with Lee Hayward at Online Safety UK which supports parents, students and the school to monitor online behaviour and ensure that students are staying safe online.  These all help to ensure that we have access to specialist help when it is needed. We also advise parents when we think a referral to Motiv8, Off the Record, the school nurse or CAMHS is
appropriate and support with these.

Updated Autumn 2023