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Fantastic A level Results August 2021

By 10th August 2021June 30th, 2022News
Another high set  of ‘A’ level examination results is today being celebrated by students and staff at Oaklands school, with a phenomenal 99.2% pass rate. The number of grades at A* or C remained high at 88%. The number of A*-A grades stands at 39%.
Headteacher, Matthew Quinn said, “ Over the last two years ‘A’ level students have experience unprecedented challenges as a result of the pandemic. The grades awarded today are a result of the hard work, grid and determination of our students over a period of time that has been punctuated by lockdown and on-line learning; this period has been enormously challenging.  I must also pay tribute to our talented staff who have had to manage the delivery of the curriculum whilst students were often on-remote. The School continues to justify its strong reputation at Advanced Level. It is fantastic to see the progress made by many of our students from entry into year 7 through to year 13.
The high grade profile achieved by our students will mean that the majority should gain entry to the university of their choice. Students at Oaklands were once more successful in gaining Oxbridge places. 14 Students achieved straight ‘As’ in 3 or 4 subjects.  All subjects performed well.”
Mr Quinn went on to say, “It would  tempting but inappropriate to compare the results this year with previous performance, the method of assessment has changed; there is no comparison.  This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard. Grades were approved, quality assured and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.”
Belinda Ludlam, Head of the School Sixth Form,  said, “the results are tremendous and reflect the high standards that we set for our students in the Sixth Form. Our students can be justifiably proud of all the hard work in difficult circumstances. I am immensely proud of them all.”
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