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“Fantastic A level results: Sixth Form of choice for support and performance”

By 12th August 2019September 12th, 2019News

“Oaklands the place of choice for post 16 education.”

Oaklands celebrates a significant improvement in post 16 results.”

Another high set  of A level examination results is today being celebrated by students and staff at Oaklands Catholic School, with a phenomenal 99.7%. Despite the complexity of ‘A’ Levels the number of A and A* grades has risen to 22% compared with 17% last year. The number of grades at A* to ‘C’ continued at a high level of 71%, compared with 62% last year. Over 10% of students achieved 3 or more A grades or higher. A number of students achieved straight A* grades.

Headteacher, Matthew Quinn  said, “ I am delighted with this set of results- absolutely brilliant!  They are a fitting tribute to the Sixth Form team. The results are a credit to the hard work of students and teachers alike. It is fantastic to see the progress made by many of our students from entry into Year 7 through to Year 13.  For some students an ‘A*’ is a remarkable achievement, equally for others a ‘C’ grade, it depends on the starting point for each student”

The vast majority of Oaklands students who applied to university have been successful. This year, at Oaklands, over 22 students have unconditional offers echoing the national trend. The school has also noticed a sharp increase in the number of students using ‘A’ Levels to gain access to apprenticeships.

Mr Quinn went on to say, “ The landscape feels different again this year; universities need students, there will be a significant number of fantastic bargains  in clearing with thousands of courses not filled. A significant number of students are now opting for apprenticeships and are therefore avoiding the much-lamented debt that concerns students and parents alike. I am please for all our youngsters. Again we have had Oxbridge success. We wish all our students every success for the next stage of their education”.

The results  again prove that Oaklands 6th form is a fantastic choice for students once they finish their GCSEs. Enrolment for ‘A’ levels starts on the 22nd August.




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