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GCSE Success

By 25th August 2022January 4th, 2023News

A nail-biting wait for this year’s GCSE results

A nail-biting wait for this year’s GCSE results came to an end today, Thursday 25th August, with students at Oaklands Catholic School receiving news that would help shape their future. Students celebrated results following two very difficult years; 82% achieved the required grades in English and Maths with 59% achieving higher passes.

Students performed well across a range of subjects, showing the variety of talent at Oaklands. Over 80% achieved grades of 4 and above in English, Maths, RE, Science and Languages. All subjects performed well. There were a large number of outstanding individual results; 26 students achieved 7 or more Grades 7,8 and 9.

A large number of students from the year group will now be going on to study A Levels within the Oaklands School Sixth Form College.

Mr Quinn, Headteacher, said, “These are outstanding results from a truly comprehensive intake. I am delighted that so many students of all abilities, have achieved their full potential. The high standard achieved is a reflection of the hard work of our students, and the commitment and dedication of our staff.  Whilst for many students achieving Grades 8 and 9 is a significant achievement, for others achieving a 3 or 4 represented a mountain to climb.  We are proud of all our students, many having made excellent progress from their KS2 starting points.”

He went on to say, “The last few years in education have been unprecedented due to the pandemic, our students have demonstrated extraordinary resilience and tenacity so they should be very proud.

This year has been a step into the unknown, this is the first set of results established through terminal examinations since 2019. The examination boards have recognised this, putting in place mitigations. This does not mean that students worked any less hard, to the contrary.

The position all schools find themselves in this year makes it unrealistic and unfair to make comparisons between schools or between the results this year and those achieved by previous cohorts; the impact of COVID is uneven.

Examination grades are important, however the experience at Oaklands School provides our students with something more than just grades. Our students this year were remarkable and we are proud of you all.”

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