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Headteacher’s Blog – 10/11/22

By 28th November 2022Headteacher's Blog

It’s been another busy week in school with a large number of students experiencing visiting speakers. Year 7 listened to Chris Bradford who is an English author, best known for his children’s fictional series, Young Samurai. Visits like this have many advantages – they encourage reading for pleasure, wider reading and creative writing. It was pleasing to listen to students reflecting on the experience.

Older students listened to a presentation by former BBC journalist and broadcaster, Chris Hemmings. He is an expert on toxic masculinity, empathy and mental health, all subjects that are pertinent to young people.

This week has also been National School Meals Week, which provided our canteen staff with an opportunity to showcase various menus. Each day has focused on food from different parts of the globe. The food was enjoyed by many students, well done to our Catering Team.

For a while the school has been working to achieve the Oscar Romero Award. The Award supports schools in realising and living the unique calling of a Catholic school, to become an evangelising centre by empowering young people and staff to become true agents of the change they want to see in the world by putting their faith into action. The Assessor for the Award visited the school on Wednesday to speak with staff, students and Governors. It was delightful to listen to students speak with the Assessor about the uniqueness of Oaklands as a Catholic community and in particular how the school addresses its commitment to Catholic Social Teaching. In addition to talking about the rich sacramental life of the school, they talked about everything from charity fundraising through to projects to promote inclusivity in school.

Since the beginning of term, I have also visited a number of Form liturgies. The Catholic Church has a rich canon of prayers and traditions so this week it was wonderful to see a group of Year 11 in the chapel praying a decade of the rosary, led by one of our school chaplains.

More information about the Catholic Life of the School can be found on the website by following this link: Catholic Life – Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College

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