Mission Days

Mission Days have been a future of school life for many years. A year group is taken off timetable to experience something quite unique.

Each day has a particular theme, often based around a particular piece of scripture. Students will listen to various speakers  and become involved in specific activities.

In the past we have welcomed FOCUS Missionaries from Southampton University, our local clergy, the Dominican Sisters, Georgia Clarke from Catholic Voices. Our friends from Harbour Church in Portsmouth hosted active workshops on the sunken lawn.

This year, Year 9 had a day out of their usual timetable to experience a variety of faith-based activities, talks and games. The topic of the day was that we are all beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of God. The day began with Mass celebrated by Father James Lewis along with music led by our school worship group. We were also very blessed to have One Church join us for our mission day who led a youth panel and a final testimony with Pastor Ben Knight.

Updated Spring 2024