Oaklands Friends’ and Parents’ Association (OFPA)

The OFPA engage with the school and aim to enhance every student’s experience during their time at Oaklands.
As a parent/guardian of a child at Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College you are most welcome to be a part of the OFPA.  A group of parents meet once a month supported by  Sarah Mann, PA to Headteacher, and our aim is to provide a closer link between the school and home so that we can work in partnership.

Our focus is to update parents/guardians on matters relating to the school

  • We help provide an opportunity for parents/guardians/students to communicate their views e.g. uniform, behavioral policy etc
  • We provide support and refreshments at school events e.g. Parents’ Evenings, Open and Information Evenings, Social Events
  • Second Hand Uniform Sales – Orders to be submitted by the last Wednesday of the month during term-time and collections available on the last Friday of the month.  Please see separate page below for further details and prices
  • Money raised by the OFPA helps fund many projects for all departments across the school so every student will benefit. Please help to support us when you can.
  • For examples of OFPA purchases, click here
You are warmly invited to come and join us at any of our monthly meetings which take place at 7.30pm in the Sixth Form Block.
Any additional suggestions and help, however small, are always welcome. If you would like to contact us about anything please email opa@oaklandscatholicschool.org

OFPA Meetings 2024-2025

Monday 6 January at 7.30pm
Monday 3 February at 7.30pm
Monday 3 March at 7.30pm
Monday 31 March at 7.30pm
Monday 12 May at 7.30pm
Monday 2 June at 7.30pm
Monday 30 June at 7.30pm

Committee Members

Maria Howell (Chair)
Astrid Brossier (Secretary)
Stephane Brossier (Treasurer)
Antoinette Cyriaano
Hazel Duffy
Caroline Rose
Nicky Tricker
Nicky Woolhead