Tutor Fundraising

At Oaklands all tutor groups are encouraged to undertake  fundraising for charity.

Over the last two years 8 St Dominic have been particularly successful.

8 St Dominic have partaken in 2 main fundraising events, and I will be talking about them today.

The first one was our year 7 sponsored silence which was suggested by our tutor and the money would be for the (at the time) ongoing situation of the devastating earthquake of Syria/Turkey in 2023. This sponsored silence would be a record-breaking one for tutor group fundraising events raising a whopping £363.70 through the generous donations of parents and carers.

The second fundraiser was in year 8 in April 2024 and we suggested that it would be something linked to Easter. The class came to a conclusion that an Easter Egg sale would be a nice way to make money for the charity we were donating to, and to raise the Easter spirit in our school. The charity, suggested by one of the students in 8 St Dominic, that the money raised should go to was Cancer Research. We sold a lot Creme Eggs separately (these sold very quickly!) and did 3 raffles: a big bundle of bigger eggs, and 2 chocolate rabbits. So, with the help of the 8 St Dominic students and with the help of a year 11 student who worked the card reading machine, we raised £63.90 for our cause.

By Chisom , 8 St Dominic

Giving to charity is an important part of life at Oaklands, it ties in with our Catholic Social Teachings, especially Solidarity and Option for the Poor. It is wonderful to see how generous everyone can be, and that our contributions go to charities that are very close to our hearts.  

 In year 7, as a form (7 St Dominic) we raised an impressive £363, from a sponsored silence that we all took part in during lessons. These donations were then given directly to the Syria/ Turkey earthquake appeal.  

After achieving more than our goal the previous year, we were excited to partake in the next fundraising activity. After speaking together as a tutor group, a student suggested we give our donations to Cancer Research. And we decided that due to the time of year, creme eggs would be a great thing to sell. Building onto that, we decided to do a raffle with a variety of different Easter eggs, and thanks to a student in year 11 we were able not only to accept cash payments, but also to use a card reader for those who didn’t have money on them. This boosted the egg sales at quite a rate! And after a week of selling raffle tickets and various chocolate eggs, we had £63 worth of donations.  

As a student in 8 St Dominic, I am incredibly proud of everyone, not only their donations but their efforts to raise money to help those who are less fortunate. And it is impressive how collectively, as a community we can make a difference.  


Emily 8 St Dominic


Updated July 2024